I’m Carla and I have been working in the adult industry for many years. I have seen many people come and go, new technologies innovating our lives and lots of hard work and dedication along the way. I feel honoured to have gained respect and shown love from some amazing people I have met along the way.
If there is one thing I love – it’s the extraordinary and amazingly lovely girls I work with. It gives me soooo much pleasure to see them blossom into the incredible pleasure givers they become. Seeing them take control of their lives and watching their passion and commitment means the world to me. This site is for them!
I felt it was time for me to provide a place where I could offer support, mentoring and promotional opportunities for all those incredible people I work alongside. It comes with love, and a pride that I am able to pass on some of my knowledge to anyone new to the industry, or indeed those just looking for a little bit of extra inspiration.
If anything here helps you, please do provide some feedback. Perhaps there are subjects you’d like to see covered or would like your profile featured on the site. I’d love to hear from anyone who has something to say which may help others or if they wish to contribute to this site.
All models are welcome to contact me for advice or help with working on some of the tops cam sites in the world.