Making sure you have the right balance of work, rest and play is hard to master, or is it?
From a very early age, the majority of us are told what to do and when to do it. Normally as we get older this instructional format is carried forward by parents, then teachers and tutors and finally employers.
Are you Normal?
Someone, somewhere is instructing us on how we should live our lives, fill our days and even what we should be dreaming. They force us to believe there is some kind of ‘Norm’ and if you do not conform, you are not normal and need some kind of help.
I believe those who ply their ‘trade’ and providing so called self-help are amongst the worst. Their subjects can end up on the road to nowhere, needing assistance in many areas of their lives.
Support and counselling should be unconditional and steered towards fixing a problem, rather than uncovering lots more new ones. It’s a given that from time to time we all need a hug, kind words, some praise or even perhaps a stern talking to!
Stress can play a big part in peoples lives, especially if they work for themselves and particularly if they work from home. Stress can come from many areas and it may not be possible to rid yourself of all the things which create the stress initially.
Redressing the Balance
Rest and relaxation are key to keeping a healthy balance in your life. You need to create rules for yourself to follow. If you need to then write them down. Make a list.
Be true to yourself and above all, be honest. Don’t kid yourself that you are superwoman (or man). We all have to stop and smell the roses sometimes.
Give yourself a realistic work rota and produce goals for things you want to accomplish outside of your work life.
Keep your brain busy by doing things that are NOT work related.
Take up more than 1 hobby and perhaps keep a diary about your progress. You’ll be amazed at your achievements when you look back over time.
Confide in 1 or 2 of your closest friends. They are the ones who are there for you no matter what. Ones who provide you with solutions and do not judge.
Pineapple Support for YOUR Needs

If you don’t have anyone to turn to or would perhaps rather discuss your situation with someone who is not in your circle of friends or family, Pineapple Support are there for you. They provide FREE support, counselling and therapy to ALL On-Line Sex Workers.
At the time of writing, they have around 160 therapists across the US, UK, Canada, South America, Europe and Australia. They provide over 450 volunteers providing care and support via their active listening text service.
If you are an adult industry professional and need emotional support, or professional therapy or counselling, please visit
Winding Down Sessions

On a final note, I’d like to leave you with some of the things that my lovely girls do to wind down after a hard day (or night) camming!
“I play some music and have a relaxing bath before settling down to watch a film or some TV” (CG)
“Smoke a Spliff, Self Massage, Relaxing Music or a Film” (JL)
“I usually go and have a nice soak in the bath and watch a little bit of tv or watch some social media videos on tiktok” (SR)
“Cooking is my go to thing. I’m always trying out new recipes” (SR)
“I often wind down by cooking a nice meal and reading a book” (WB)
“I always need a session with my vibrator after camming” (ET)
“Glass of wine, TV on and I try to read or learn something online” (NC)
“I write erotic fiction, so I like to spend at least an hour a day doing that” (CS)
“I spend a lot of my time (or rather did) away on location. It’s important not to lose sight of what living a normal life involves and make sure you try and have some sort of routine” (CD)
“I like to have a catch up with friends and family” (EK)
“I walk my dogs and I do triathlon training, so lots of biking and running” (MLK)
“I mostly spend time with my dog and watch some Netflix” (C)
“I am a gym junkie so exercise haha” (AP)
Just a few things to wind down and relieve the stress. Why not let us know how you de-stress?
Stay Safe and above all LOOK AFTER YOUSELF.

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