Ms ChellieDD

I first met the lovely Ms ChellieDD, over 7000 km’s away from my home, at a conference, in sunny South Beach, Miami. We were sitting next to each other at a seminar, listening to how social media companies were trying to cripple stars of the adult industry. It was only at the end when we turned to introduce ourselves, that we realised we had connected via email only the day before! Not such an amazing co-incidence perhaps but serendipity for sure!

Since then our friendship has grown and my admiration for her business acumen and achievements abounds! Her mantra “Think of a happy place … and that’s where you’ll find me” says it all and more. She’s been in the public eye since 2012 and her life as a MILF Cam Model has given her numerous nominations and awards.

I was interested in what made her decide to become a Cam Model and why she thinks her brand of public naughtiness works. We had an amazing girlie session together and talked about so much.

She has over quarter of a million followers on Twitter, which is an amazing achievement and it was great to find out how much time she spends keeping up with her fans on there and how important she thought it was to ‘share’ on social media. The full confessional will be coming soon. Be Ready!

If you’d like to see and find out more about ChellieDD, check out her website

and her very Sexy World. It’s one of the best ways to keep up to date with Chellie’s Naughty News.

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