Why You Should Always Think – Safety First
Unless you are one of the very few people in the adult industry to be known by your real name, ensuring the safety of your identity is a crucial part of your life. Trusting relative strangers can result in horrendous consequences for not just yourself but also your family!
It has been announced recently that ‘Revenge Porn’ has risen considerably during the first part of this year, with the number of cases already higher than the whole of last year. One government funded helpline has seen an increase of more than 22% from last year. A recent report by Refuge has found that 1 in 7 women have received threats that intimate photos will be shared without their consent.
This year, no doubt due to the coronavirus and the consequent lockdowns has also seen a rise in domestic abuse. Whilst it is not only women that are suffering, they are in the majority.
Making the Right Decisions
So how do you maintain your job in the adult world and ensure you stay safe now and in the future?
Starting off as you mean to go on is an absolutely crucial part of starting out in the adult industry. Always expecting the worst, utilizing every piece of security available and ensuring you always think first is the best advice you can receive and utilize.
For some though, it’s too late to act as the division between your public and private life has already become compromised. For those people, it seems that their whole world has crashed around them.
This is especially pertinent for those working in the adult industry as it still causes upset to family and friends. The level of contempt is disturbingly high.
This can produce an enormous amount of distress to the person concerned and being ostracised for simply earning a living in the adult industry. It can be the trigger for depression, melancholy and for some, alarmingly, suicidal thoughts ensue.
Not having any confidential routes to relay and discuss your concerns has been a huge issue for all adult workers. It doesn’t matter whether or not they work in sex or glamour. This is one of the main reasons that Leya Tanit set up Pineapple Support. Anyone in the adult industry can access their services for support, advice and counselling if required.
They have already provided help and support to lots of people. They rely on donations to carry out this amazing work. If you have any interest in helping Pineapple Support, get in touch. It doesn’t matter whether it’s with a much needed donation or if you are able to provide time, support or any kind of help, however small, it will be welcomed.
Carla Sez will back soon with more guidance on how to keep your work life safe and your private life secure and protected.
If you would like a preview of the Privacy Tips, then check out my article https://pineapplesupport.org/2020/11/10/5-things-you-must-know-to-help-keep-your-private-life-private/
For now, think before you post!

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